King For A Day

A homeless man comes across the chance of a lifetime: a briefcase full of money.
Action, Adventure, Drama
Duration: 120 mins
Rating: 9 IMDB

Movie Info

Release Date: 01/08/2022

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

Duration: 120 mins

Rating: 9 IMDB

Movie Plot


By this, we are exploring what constitutes wealth: money or personality. As Ed gains this money, the character acts as a conduit through which people’s perspectives towards the poor and those rich are explored. We showcase individual unconscious mindsets towards these people, as their actions show what wealth means to them.


We explore individual attachments to wealth from a financial perspective. Alicia is a character Ed meets and is infatuated with Ed, mainly because he looks rich, based on his highly reputable clothing. This is despite having minimal chemistry. This interaction reveals Alicia’s true desires showcasing how society is infatuated with accumulation within capitalist norms.


Does money = power? In this world, it may seem that way. But, in this film, this notion is challenged. How can these dynamics in power be manipulated?


The aim of ‘King For A Day” is to challenge the detrimental attachment society has for money. It forces the audience to challenge their own perceived interconnection between value and money.

From when Ed was ignored as a homeless person to suddenly being recognized and garnering attention after changing into a suit, Ed’s transformation and eventual treatment by people are visual metaphors of how Ed is treated differently.

With a heavy focus on highlighting the beauty of hedonism, we hope to encourage the audience to question the heavy capitalist society they currently dwell in and decide what factors they believe suit their needs.

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About The Creators

Raj Randhawa

Director, Producer, Writer

Raj Randhawa is a London based producer, director, and storyteller, with cinematic film being just one of his many creative expressions. A Masters in Hollywood film and television, Raj Randhawa has won many accolades for his work including the Best Music Video Director Award and the Best Debut Film Director Award. The upcoming Raj Randhawa film – King for a day revolves around the theme of homelessness, narrating a gripping tale of a homeless man who comes across the chance of a lifetime with a briefcase full of money.

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Rajan Chander

Screen Writer

Having written screenplays since the age of 10, Rajan has always had a fiery fascination for presenting creative and challenging stories aimed at provoking a reaction. He has always had a strong inclination for writing complicated, multidimensional characters. Writing King For A Day has presented him with a sensitive, yet audacious challenge; one that he has very much enjoyed.

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Meet The Cast

Robert Hackney

as ED

Sundl Roy


Imi Champ

as Tom

Meet The Crew

Raj Randhawa


Marco Marco


Philip wright

Writer & Researcher